Roman Numerals | Roman Counting 1 to 100
Usually, we use the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to write the numbers. The numbers written using these digits are included in the Hindu-Arabic Number System.
There is another system called the Roman Number System which uses alphabet letters instead of digits. There are only 7 letters which are used to write all the Roman numerals. Roman Number System (Roman Counting) does not follow the place value system. The 7 letters are followed with their corresponding Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Roman Numerals | Hindu-Arabic Numerals |
I | 1 |
V | 5 |
X | 10 |
L | 50 |
C | 100 |
D | 500 |
M | 1000 |
Rule 1. When Roman numerals are repeated, they are added.
For example,
We can repeat only l, X, C, And M but not more than 3 times. V, L, and D are not repeated.
Rule 2. When a smaller numeral is written to the right of a larger numeral, they are added.
For example,
Rule 3. When a smaller numeral is written to the left of a larger number, it is always subtracted from the larger numeral.
For example,
Rule 4. If a smaller numeral is placed between two larger numerals, it gets subtracted from the larger numeral to its right.
For example,
Roman Number 1 to 100
Number | Roman Numeral | Calculation |
0 | Not Defined | |
1 | I | 1 |
2 | II | 1+1 |
3 | III | 1+1+1 |
4 | IV | 5-1 |
5 | V | 5 |
6 | VI | 5+1 |
7 | VII | 5+1+1 |
8 | VIII | 5+1+1+1 |
9 | IX | 10-1 |
10 | X | 10 |
11 | XI | 10+1 |
12 | XII | 10+1+1 |
13 | XIII | 10+1+1+1 |
14 | XIV | 10-1+5 |
15 | XV | 10+5 |
16 | XVI | 10+5+1 |
17 | XVII | 10+5+1+1 |
18 | XVIII | 10+5+1+1+1 |
19 | XIX | 10-1+10 |
20 | XX | 10+10 |
21 | XXI | 10+10+1 |
22 | XXII | 10+10+1+1 |
23 | XXIII | 10+10+1+1+1 |
24 | XXIV | 10+10-1+5 |
25 | XXV | 10+10+5 |
26 | XXVI | 10+10+5+1 |
27 | XXVII | 10+10+5+1+1 |
28 | XXVIII | 10+10+5+1+1+1 |
29 | XXIX | 10+10-1+10 |
30 | XXX | 10+10+10 |
31 | XXXI | 10+10+10+1 |
32 | XXXII | 10+10+10+1+1 |
33 | XXXIII | 10+10+10+1+1+1 |
34 | XXXIV | 10+10+10-1+5 |
35 | XXXV | 10+10+10+5 |
36 | XXXVI | 10+10+10+5+1 |
37 | XXXVII | 10+10+10+5+1+1 |
38 | XXXVIII | 10+10+10+5+1+1+1 |
39 | XXXIX | 10+10+10-1+10 |
40 | XL | 50-10 |
41 | XLI | 50-10+1 |
42 | XLII | 50-10+1+1 |
43 | XLIII | 50-10+1+1+1 |
44 | XLIV | 50-10-1+5 |
45 | XLV | 50-10+5 |
46 | XLVI | 50-10+5+1 |
47 | XLVII | 50-10+5+1+1 |
48 | XLVIII | 50-10+5+1+1+1 |
49 | XLIX | 50-10-1+10 |
50 | L | 50 |
51 | LI | 50+1 |
52 | LII | 50+1+1 |
53 | LIII | 50+1+1+1 |
54 | LIV | 50-1+5 |
55 | LV | 50+5 |
56 | LVI | 50+5+1 |
57 | LVII | 50+5+1+1 |
58 | LVIII | 50+5+1+1+1 |
59 | LIX | 50-1+10 |
60 | LX | 50+10 |
61 | LXI | 50+10+1 |
62 | LXII | 50+10+1+1 |
63 | LXIII | 50+10+1+1+1 |
64 | LXIV | 50+10-1+5 |
65 | LXV | 50+10+5 |
66 | LXVI | 50+10+5+1 |
67 | LXVII | 50+10+5+1+1 |
68 | LXVIII | 50+10+5+1+1+1 |
69 | LXIX | 50+10-1+10 |
70 | LXX | 50+10+10 |
71 | LXXI | 50+10+10+1 |
72 | LXXII | 50+10+10+1+1 |
73 | LXXIII | 50+10+10+1+1+1 |
74 | LXXIV | 50+10+10-1+5 |
75 | LXXV | 50+10+10+5 |
76 | LXXVI | 50+10+10+5+1 |
77 | LXXVII | 50+10+10+5+1+1 |
78 | LXXVIII | 50+10+10+5+1+1+1 |
79 | LXXIX | 50+10+10-1+10 |
80 | LXXX | 50+10+10+10 |
81 | LXXXI | 50+10+10+10+1 |
82 | LXXXII | 50+10+10+10+1+1 |
83 | LXXXIII | 50+10+10+10+1+1+1 |
84 | LXXXIV | 50+10+10+10-1+5 |
85 | LXXXV | 50+10+10+10+5 |
86 | LXXXVI | 50+10+10+10+5+1 |
87 | LXXXVII | 50+10+10+10+5+1+1 |
88 | LXXXVIII | 50+10+10+10+5+1+1+1 |
89 | LXXXIX | 50+10+10+10-1+10 |
90 | XC | 100-10 |
91 | XCI | 100-10+1 |
92 | XCII | 100-10+1+1 |
93 | XCIII | 100-10+1+1+1 |
94 | XCIV | 100-10-1+5 |
95 | XCV | 100-10+5 |
96 | XCVI | 100-10+5+1 |
97 | XCVII | 100-10+5+1+1 |
98 | XCVIII | 100-10+5+1+1+1 |
99 | XCIX | 100-10-1+10 |
100 | C | 100 |
When we write any number up to 100 in the Roman Number System, we need to separate the tens and the ones, first, we write the Roman numeral for the tens and then for the ones on its right
For example,