Green Skills Unit-5 CBSE IT(402) Class 10

A. Multiple choice questions. 

Q1. The concept of 'sustainable development' became popular as the Brundtland Report in the year 

(a) 1986 

(b) 1987 

(c) 1988 

Ans. (b) 1987

Q2. Sustainable development requires judicious use of 

(a) natural resources 

(b) human resources 

(c) man-made resources

Ans. (a) natural resources

B. Answer the following questions. 

Q1. What do you mean by sustainable development? 


Q2. Define sustainable development. 


Q3. How did the idea of sustainable development originate?


A. Multiple choice questions. 

Q1. Which of the following is a major problem of sustainable development?

(a) Turning the concept of sustainability into framing policies and rules. 

(b) Striking a balance between development and its consequent damages to the environment. 

(c) Both of these 

Ans. (b) Striking a balance between development and its consequent damages to the environment.

Q2. The most pressing environmental problems are associated with resources that are renewable, such as 

(a) Air 

(b) Water 

(c) Both of these 

Ans. (c) Both of these

Q3. During the working lifetime of children born today, the population of the world will almost 

(a) double

(b) triple

(c) remain same


B. Answer the following questions. 

Q1. "The concept of sustainable development is subject to criticism." Discuss.


Q2. Describe any four major problems associated with sustainable development.


Q3. Total world consumption of cereals will almost double by 2030? Suggest measures to maintain ' sustainable development ' in the light of this development.


A. Multiple choice questions. 

Q1. Achievement of sustainable development requires the integration of which component at all levels?

(a) Ecological 

(b) Economic and social 

(c) All of these


Q2. UN Sustainable Development Summit ( 2015 ) set up development goals called as 

(a) Agenda 2010 

(b) Agenda 2030 

(c) Agenda 2050


B. Answer the following questions. 

Q1. Mention the main principles of sustainable development.


Q2. Describe any four short-term solutions to sustainable development.


Q3. Describe any three long-term solutions to sustainable development.



A. Multiple choice questions. 

Q1. What is sustainable development? 

(a) Economic development at zero damage to the ecology 

(b) More and more development 

(c) Development that meets the needs of the present without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs.


Q2. What will happen, if we neglect sustainable development? 

(a) We shall have a safe and secure environment. 

(b) Negligence of sustainable development will destroy ecology and environment endangering the survival of future generations 

(c) Nothing worse will happen; mankind will continue to live and prosper. 


Q3. The greatest problem related to sustainable development is to safeguard further depletion of which of the following? 

(a) Fisheries & forests 

(b) Croplands and grasslands 

(c) All of these 


Q4. Do you agree with the view that greater economic activity will certainly lead to greater damage to the environment? 

(a) Yes 

(b) No 

(c) Not, certainly 


Q5. The concept of sustainable development is : 

(a) easy and practicable 

(b) too subjective and complex 

(c) a utopian ideal that can never be put into practice 


Q6. The concept of sustainable development is subject to criticism. Why? 

(a) It is a utopian idea not possible in practice. 

(b) Any positive rate of exploitation of non - renewable resources will necessarily lead to exhaustion of resources. 

(c) Sustainable development is impossible to achieve.


Q7. What is the most serious problem as far as sustainable development in agriculture is concerned? 

(a) To raise yields on existing croplands without extending the area under cultivation. 

(b) To raise yields by extending the area under cultivation. 

(c) None of these


B. Short answer questions. 

Q1. Define sustainable development.


Q2. When did the idea of sustainable development become popular? 


Q3. Which serious question was raised by the first Brandt Commission Report? 


Q4. Which significant point was raised by L.R. Brown in his book, The Global Economic Prospect? 


C. Short answer questions. 

Q1. The most pressing environmental problems are related to which type of resources? 


Q2. Mention anyone serious problem relating to sustainable development. 


Q3. What is the importance of sustainable development?


Q4. Suggest two solutions related to sustainable development.


D. Long answer questions. 

Q1. Describe the meaning and importance of sustainable development. 


Q2. Describe the importance of sustainable development from the point of view of future generations. 


Q3. "Uncertainty is an inherent part of environmental problems and this uncertainty breeds complacency." Do you agree with the statement? Explain.


Q4. Explain the long-term solutions related to sustainable development.
